The suns rays came shining through on our humble little home today. Brian passed his CDL test. All weekend I begged God to just give us this one less trial. It has been since November that he has been trying to pass it. He has been miserable in the meantime. Failing 3 times will do that to you. Then we hit the point that he would be demoted if he didn't pass by the end of January. The end of January came and went and still he didn't pass. He wasn't scheduled until Feb. 23rd, but called last week and there was a cancellation for today. Coincidence? I think not.....continue:
I begged God and pleaded with him all morning that we could just have this one thing looming over us be behind us. I wanted my husband back. The stress had worn on him awful and apparently me as well, all morning my jaw hurt from the stress of waiting for that phone call.
His test was at noon. I got a call around 1:30. He had passed! :) Not only that, but it was all in God's hands for sure! Brian went in feeling as though he wouldn't be able to pass the driving now, even if he passed the pre-trip inspection and so he felt it was hopeless. I prayed for a miracle and God certainly sent one! The state trooper who had been with Brian during 2 of his failed attempts was supposed to be there today, but called in sick. A kind gentleman from up north farther was filling in and doesn't do this on a regular basis. He was very forgiving(not in a way that would be deceitful at all), but I'm sure his demeanor helped Brian relax and do well. That and the way he had practiced driving had been different than the test was. The perameters were much bigger than he had expected! Praise the Lord for His abundant provision and "yes" answered prayer today!
I took Brian out on the town to celebrate his success! I am very proud of him!
Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!