Saturday, February 4, 2012

Resting in the Son

This week has not gone well. There have been so many chains laid on my shoulders as the week went on that I felt I would sink. Brian got hurt at work on Tuesday and slept the rest of the week away. Dylan fell on the hill in our yard and gave himself a concussion hitting his head on the ice. He went to the doctors Thursday evening and was restricted from doing anything, even school until he was symptom-free. Monday I had gone to a dermatologist(per my lyme specialist's suggestion...thank you Dr. Carr) and he biopsied one of my moles thinking it would be nothing, but just to make sure. Tuesday night I found out it was indeed skin cancer(the "good kind" the nurse told me). Thursday night I found out a friend had betrayed my trust. All in all a crappy week here in the Lajeunesse home.

I'll admit.....our past two years have been tough and I have had moments of frustration, but this week I truly hit a wall hard and fast! I was feeling the walls close in and felt as though I were drowning in my trials. The past few days in particular I was starting to have a bad attitude. I was feeling alone in my trials as Brian didn't feel well enough to help around the house and I didn't care any more about the mess......I was slipping into depression.

God gave me a vivid spiritual application today though. Kelsey and I went into my bedroom to rest for a while after lunch and when I went in, I found her curled up on my bed in the sun. She is just like me. I love that same spot. We are like cats all curled up warming ourselves in the sun.

Tonight I realized that that was my problem. I was spending my time hiding in the shadows of my trials and pain instead of coming out from behind those shadows into the light of the Son. Instead of seeking out the Son, I was stumbling around in the dark.

It doesn't mean my trials have ended or even have gotten any better, but it does mean that as long as I stand in the Son I will find each day easier to navigate. I won't be in the dark without a flashlight.

So, with that, I would encourage you to also find your way out of the shadows of whatever trials you are facing and find your way into the Son's light. It is warm and inviting and renews your strength. Spend time in His light every time you feel depressed and discouraged.


  1. what beautiful truth!!!!!!Thank you Lord for making it known~
    I will continue to pray for you ~ox

    1. Thanks Ang.....we'll definitely continue to need prayer. The next two weeks alone are daunting. <3 U!

  2. Wow, Honey. Oh. Wow. Yes, indeed - a week of testing and trials, for sure. What a beautiful post and what beautiful perspective. Thank you for sharing. Now we know how to better pray. Even in your struggles, you encourage. Pretty amazing. A gift you are to your sweet family, my friend.

    1. Thank you Amy.....we covet your prayers for sure! xo

  3. Carrie I think and pray for you every day now - for rest, patience, peace, wellbeing and the strength and courage to go through all this on top of the normal journeys of "life"
    Thank the Lord that we have Him to rely on especially in these trying times. Love you xx

    1. Bina, thank you. That means the world to me. I think of and pray for you guys often as well. I am very thankful to have God to walk through life with. Love you too! xoxo
