Saturday, February 18, 2012


I have come to love Saturdays, busy or not. We work together as a family to get caught up from our crazy busy week of appointments and activities, homework and work. We then all get to play together. Rest in the afternoon and just be together.

Today we had our small group over for lunch and everyone brought food to share. It was a beautiful spread, almost as good as Panera! We enjoyed the chaos of 10 children 6 adults and lots of food. It was a fun time of fellowship in the middle of our day where we could just be together and encourage one another in our families. I enjoy this group with all my heart. They understand me and love me all the same. They see my family as imperfect and love them the way they are. We encourage one another to continue growing in our faith and walk with God. I am truly thankful for God's gift of these beautiful people in my life.

I hope that all of you are so lucky to have people like this in your life. Enjoy every day as though it is your last, because we just never know! God has our days numbered and we are responsible to make the most of every moment for His glory.

1 comment:

  1. oh yummy yummy friends indeed~..What would we become without the grace gifts of pillar friendships?
    Thankful to know that God has poured out His love to you & Brian in such a tangible way~with people of Christ who reflect His mercy and faithfulness!!
    Happy weekend beauty~xoox
